Pokemon: The First Movie

Imagine with me that you have just helped usher in a worldwide phenomenon that started in the genre of video games. Imagine that you transition to manga and anime and merchandise everything you can. The mania is growing and demand for more is here. So, you start a card game. It's still not enough, what's the next logical step you take? The answer is simple - the silver screen.


At the peak of its' height in the late 90s, Pokémon entered into multiple mediums before setting its sights on the cinemas. Pokémon: The First Movie told the origin story of MewTwo, a man made Pokémon which came from the rarest Pokémon: Mew. Though it's how the film progresses which makes it an interesting plot unto itself.

That, though, is what serves as the film's biggest downfall: its pacing. The first ten minutes build up the villain beautifully. While the next thirty minutes set up the film. The pacing of the first two-thirds of the movie flow almost flawlessly. That's one of the best factors of anime, as a genre is how the story progresses and develops. Creators aren't afraid to take their time to tell their vision. Stories last a decent while. Here, in The First Movie, that's not the case unfortunately. It's the final act of the film that feels rushed and suffocated. In some ways the last twenty minutes feel like filler rather actually a proper conclusion.

However, pacing aside, Pokémon is filled with quality animation and depth. Pokémon has art that doesn't feel flat which rather reflecting the depth of its source material. Attention to detail makes Pokémon the First Movie is a film that is worthy of the legacy of the franchise. Absolutely stunning animation fills the world and absolutely makes for repeat viewings.


Overall, Pokémon: the First Movie, is a step forward for an already powerful franchise. Moving the mythology forward, while creating an enticing story. The First Movie is filled with beautiful animation and loveable characters. Though it is choked upon delivery thanks to a rushed climax. Issues aside, it's an entertaining and visually satisfying movie from start to finish.


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Credits: Pokemon: The First Movie is property of Nintendo, Warner Brothers Pictures & The Pokemon Company. We do not own nor claim any rights. Music by Beggars. Super Smash Bros is property of Nintendo. We do not own nor claim any rights.